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Richmond Hill is a unique community.

We’re not quite Toronto but we’re not quite rural either. We’re a community that defines itself.

We love Richmond Hill. It’s a quiet, neighbourly, conscious, and safe place. It’s where our kids go to school, where we live with our families, and where we go to sleep at night.

Unfortunately, people (including us) like to take these things for granted. Instead of spending time thinking about how great our community is and how we can make it even better, we spend so much time focusing on gloomy things far away that we have no control over. How many times have you been left feeling angry over something happening in another city, another province, or another country, maybe even on the other side of the world?

That’s why we want you to think more about Richmond Hill. This is our community. We know the people who live here. They’re not talking heads on television far away, they’re our neighbours, our friends, and our families.

We may not be able to stop war in another country or fix inflation, but you know what we can do?

That’s why we want to encourage you to think locally, to think more about Richmond Hill. So if you love Richmond Hill as much as we do and want help staying updated on the things you can impact most, sign up for our weekly newsletter!

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